Exalture the Best World-class Mobile App Development Company.
Experts in mobile app development ensuring the best-customized app for you
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Ask your coworkers what they really think. Let them know that you truly value their honest opinion. When they respond, their identity is protected. Remove the bias. Make better decisions!

Super simple and secure, with support for multiple formats:

Ask for Feedback - Engage in a dialog. Comment, Like, Dislike....

Polls - Get a real time pulse of what matters most.

Quizzes - A gamified way of creating awareness.

inXed lets you: Ask, Learn, Improve, and Repeat!

Better workplaces - powered by inXed

InXed promotes a culture of:

• Collaboration

• An ongoing, feedback loop

• Transparency

inXed - Finally an App, that takes, the power and simplicity of the messaging format and brings it to the workplace, in a meaningful way.

• What if you could have an enriched feedback loop?

• What if people engaged, voluntarily?

• What if you could get a real time pulse?

• What if you could tap into original thought and avoid groupthink?

• What if you could make this a part of your DNA?

inXed - making the what-if, possible!

Available in Android and iOS


Link to iPhone app Link to Android phone app
  • Firebase Push Notifications


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